Monday, December 14, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
This weekend I didn't do a lot except for watch the Grey Cup game. It was an incredible game Saskatchewan had a strong defense and offense for the first half. But Montréal started to make their comeback in the last half. There were 5 seconds left in the fourth quarter Montréal is down by two and they have the ball all Montréal has to do is get the field-goal. Montréal kicks the ball and flags were flying everywhere. Saskatchewan was penalized for having too much players on the field. This post Montréal within scoring range Montréal kicked the ball and it was good Montréal won the Grey cup.
Mr. Rolo I do not use Facebook but I know people who do and what I hear is useful for many things. One of the things it can be used for is to connect with family members or friends that are too far away to call without getting a huge long distance phone bill. The second reason you shouldn't unulok Facebook is that some employers would look at your Facebook page to see if you are a responsible person. And finally if you unluokFacebook down the road we could probably use Facebook to talk to employers, coworkers or clients.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Today we learned how to use Dragon naturally speaking to open the Internet to search for whatever we want. What you do is you say the command "switch to command mode" and then you can say "search for polar bears"and the computer would automatically search your Internet search engines for polar bears.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Andy was not glad to have Ian on his hike becauls Ian can't clime the same dificolty of rock walls and he mite slow them down.
Tierney and Pat are followers because they did what ever Andy told them to do such as folow him up the wall.
I think Tierny, Pat and Andy will fall of the wall tumbul doun the hill be badly ingerd but not hert.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This is the type of dog I have, it is called a Teacup Chihuahua but this dog is just a baby right now.
My dog is 10 months old.
On Saturday which is 31 October and planning on being a hilarious practical joke. First I am going to dress up like an old lady. Second I'm going to get a door and put a sign on it that says "please knock first."And third I need candy. What I'm going to do is walk up to a house with the door. Then I'm going to knock on their door and then jump behind mine. The owners of the house would open the door and see a door that has a sign on it that says please knock first so they knock. I will lead a bit then open the door and start to crow over from and tell them how good their costumes are give them some candy pick up my door and walked next is.