Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
In laguig we got partway threw a moove called "The Boy How Weres Striped Pajamas" it is about a german famaly in WWII that has mooved from a city to the country where there is a consintration camp.
For history we are starting the final asinment for the Northwest Rebelion and of the three options I cose to right a closing statment as a loier how is ither the prosicution or the defence in the case of Loie Real verses the Comen Welth of Canada.
Dering French and Art clas I started my colosh for grad.
We marked the math tests we did yesterday.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
language, we learned about the volcano that erupted and stopped all are traffic over England.
Science, remember last year when we did the school design well we did a class design in skience.
French, I did almost nothing except look at the translation of some words.
History, same thing as yesterday.
In math we had a test on the Pythagorean Theorem
Monday, May 17, 2010
In Mathematics we are doing how to find the side of a right angel triangle
In Physical Education we are practicing football skills
In History we are learning about the west rebellion
In French still dislike the subject but we are taking about subways
In Language I learned about a polish plane that went down in Russia with 96 high ranking politicians, military leaders, and government officials one of which was the president.
Hope you have a good week, but I bet that it will be hard with Leo.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I think I'm a trustworthy person because I'm honest to my friends, confidential, reliable, and sometimes loyal. I'm on a honest to my friends because a relationship built on lies is one. If one of my friends tells me something in confidence I know that he doesn't want anyone else knowing. I am reliable because when someone tells me to do something I go and do it. I'm loyal to my friends until they rat me out.
I might be trustworthy because I am controliv, and aggressive if I get PO.ed. I'm controliv because I like to go what's happening when and why we are doing. I get aggressive when he POed because I like to have com and relaxing days.
I could improve by trying to control myself instead of other people. I would do this by trying not to tell people what to do and try not to go to other people's business.
I have never lost anybody's trust and nobody has lost mine but if somebody did lose my trust they would have to write the wrong. They would do this by showing me that they fixed the problem. This is because they hadn't lost my trust anywhere but that one spot so I can forgive him if he fixed the problem.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The media outline of a teenaged male

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010